My work

I work as a product engineer at Intercom at the moment, but I also love to work on side projects. They do not necessarily have to be development related. If you want to see my software engineering related things, I recommend you visit my Github profile.


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A minimal personal portfolio template best for someone who wants to showcase their projects but also have their resume ready on their website.

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Active projects

Maxout 2.0

After a first attempt as a workout planning app, Maxout 2.0 aims to be the single necessary app for anyone interested in leading a healthy lifestyle.

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Learn Tamil Online

The mission of Learn Tamil Online is to keep the Tamil language alive which we want to achieve by bringing together the Tamil speaking community from all over the world and all necessary resources to learn Tamil.

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Espresso at home

A small project that I started to share everything I am learning while trying to recreate the Italian espresso feeling at home.

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Kodi — Feature Management Service

The aim of this SaaS is to enable every team to use feature flags straight from the beginning.

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Public Speaking

In January 2019, I gave my first tech-related talk. Since it was an exciting experience, I will hopefully fill up this list with a few more of them. They do not only have to be about tech-related stuff but also about society related things as I did a few times in the past already.

If you want me to give a talk at your meetup, conference, or even private events, feel free to message me. You can find the abstracts of my current ones below. Each of them is possible as a 20-, 30-, and 45-minutes version.


You probably don't need that meetingDeveloping a meeting culture that employees will love

Be honest with yourself. How many of your meetings do you think were useful? And how many of them were productive? In this talk, we will talk about developing a meeting culture that everybody in the company will love!

You will learn how to avoid unnecessary meetings, how other types of communication can be more effective and efficient. You will also learn how to conduct those unavoidable meetings so that they are productive and don't feel like a waste of time.

After this talk, you will be able to avoid useless meetings and make the necessary meetings more productive.

You can't manage timeA talk about what people call time management

How many different things did you already try out to be more productive and get more things done? How many tools do you own to accomplish more? And did it help?

This talk focusses on what time management is about, why you can't manage time. You will learn about the emotional aspect of time management and the essential habits that will help you to get more things done.

After this talk, you will have an idea of what you can work on if you want to get more things done. And you will understand what time management means.

Work inquiry, question or something else?
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